How Is Chaffhaye Made

Chaffhaye AlfalfaStep 1: We Grow the Best

We start with premium quality, Non-GMO Alfalfa

We start with premium quality, Non-GMO Alfalfa grown on our family farm in Dell City, TX. The alfalfa is harvested at optimal plant maturity to maximize nutrients and palatability.

Step 2: Fermentation

Anaerobic fermentation initiates inside the bag

Transforming the raw alfalfa into a super digestible forage, enriching it with yeast, enzymes and beneficial microflora that aid digestion as well as absorption of its nutrients by the animal.


Step 3: Pasture in a Bag Chaffhaye Alfalfa

An alfalfa enhanced with

natural enzymes, yeast and beneficial bacteria. We process Chaffhaye to retain its natural plant juice, preserving the natural probiotics of the feed. By retaining the plant juice, Chaffhaye becomes the closest product you can buy to fresh, natural pasture. Hence, we call it “Premium Pasture in a Bag.”