While nutrient content of forage is important, there is a growing body of research that places increasing importance of the digestibility and palatability of forage in evaluating quality. It does not matter how nutritious a feed is if the animal is not able to digest and utilize these nutrients. Chaffhaye’s superior digestibility and palatability arise from its unique, naturally-induced anaerobic fermentation that occurs in the package. From the fermentation, Chaffhaye becomes rich in yeast, enzymes and beneficial microorganisms that exert health and physiological benefits to the animal beyond the basic nutrition of the forage. The most important of these health-promoting organisms in Chaffhaye are the lactic-acid producing bacteria (LAB) and yeast.
Lactic-Acid Producing Bacteria (LAB)
Since the early 1900’s scientists have observed longer life expectancies in humans that consumed higher amounts of fermented food, like yogurt. The key organisms identified in these foods were lactic-acid bacteria (LAB). Over the last 30 years, scientific interest has since grown to understand how lactic acid producing bacteria impact the digestive systems of animals. So, rich in LAB, Chaffhaye helps maintain the dominance of LAB in the intestinal tract, while supporting optimal digestion, and ultimately, immunity against disease. Additionally, the acids produced by the LAB’s reduce the pH of Chaffhaye to the point that harmful molds cannot grow.
Through it’s natural fermentation process, Chaffhaye is a rich source of all-natural, live (viable) yeast. In some cases, when opening a fresh bag of Chaffhaye you may notice small patches of yeast that appear as a white, milky substance usually formed in a circle. For generations, farmers have observed anecdotal evidence that animals became healthier when fed yeast.
Today, there is a significant body of scientific research that supports these long-held views about the beneficial function of yeast in animal diets. Industry professionals are increasingly using yeast to improve livestock performance, especially when animals are under stress or in situations of frequent travel or high activity.